You may here about bigger this and bigger that, but there is a right size for everything. In the pool word, bigger is not always better and can even be out right worse. Salesman like to play a little game of what I call “one-upsmanship”, you may have heard it in your shopping. One person comes in and says they use 1 skimmer because there is no tree in sight, the next guy comes in and says “well we use two skimmers because you really need it for good circulation”. A few days later someone comes along and say “we use 3 skimmers because we are the best”. The same goes with steel, PVC plumbing, Gunite, and just about everything else on a pool. The truth is, there is a correct size for everything and it can vary from job to job. Let us know your questions and we will give you the best answer we can and the best solution to accomplishing your goals.